Ever since she was a child, Vicki was always inventing stories and sharing them with anyone who would listen.
After graduating from university, Vicki embarked on a career as a regional journalist. Vicki covered some notable stories and was selected as a finalist in the Press Gazette Scoop of the Year Awards (2008).
Vicki’s stories covered all aspects, but she was always particularly fond of crime, visiting crime scenes and capturing news on the ground as it happened.
She once even discovered the identity of a killer before the police by traipsing the cordon and talking to neighbours. One of the most interesting cases she covered involved a serial sex attacker. It was that experience which made her want to write a novel. Briguella, her debut book, was based on her experiences of covering the manhunt for the attacker.
Vicki has been writing professionally since 2017 and has no intention of slowing down anytime soon. She now has three books under her belt and is working on novels four and five, both psychological thrillers. Kill List is also being considered for a movie/ TV series adaption in Hollywood.
Vicki lives in the West Country with her two children, Matthew and Emily. When she is not writing her hobbies include travelling to new countries to chase the sunshine and making homemade bath bombs, soaps and bath salts. She also enjoys going to the gym, running, great food and wine!
Get in touch if you would like to chat to Vicki, she would be happy to hear from you!